AMS is the Only Authorized Distributor of Cartilade Shark Cartilage
500 Gram Powder 180 Tablets, 360 Tablets
The majority of a shark’s skeleton is composed of cartilage. Although not useful as a foodstuff, the cartilage is reputed to have a variety of health benefits, and is used to treat maladies as diverse as reduced immune system function, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and cancer. Because it is difficult to harvest and prepare shark cartilage on one’s own, it is typically purchased as a health supplement in the form of highly concentrated powder or capsules.
If you are looking for a medical grade shark cartilage supplement to treat one of the conditions above, or a different one, Alternative Medicine Solution has the products you need. Available in powder and capsule form, our shark cartilage supplement Cartilade is made from 100 percent shark cartilage from black tip sharks, blue sharks, mako sharks, thresher sharks, and white sharks, and contains no additives or fillers.
Shark Cartilage Benefits
Because their efficacy is based largely on anecdotal reports, shark cartilage supplements tend to be some of the lesser known alternative medicine supplements. Nevertheless, given the quality and number of the anecdotal reports, shark cartilage benefits are generally well accepted in the alternative medicine community. Below are some common benefits people experience when they take a high-quality cartilage supplement such as Cartilade as directed.
Improved Immunity
Because shark cartilage is rich in protein, calcium, and mucopolysaccharides, it can be used as immune system booster that helps protect against conditions such as asthma, poison oak, emphysema, and hemorrhoids. If you suffer from these conditions or experience low immune system function, taking a shark cartilage supplement can help improve the malady. To start boosting your immune system with shark cartilage, get Cartilade from our online store today!
Psoriasis Treatment
Psoriasis is a disease that causes unsightly skin thickening and shedding, phenomena that are thought to partly result from abnormal capillary function. Because the proteins in shark artilage help reduce the formation of abnormal capillaries near the surface of the skin, taking a cartilage supplement regularly can help reduce psoriasis outbreaks. If you are treating the symptoms of your psoriasis instead of trying to prevent its occurrence, try taking shark cartilage.
Cancer Treatment
Cancer treatment is one of the best known shark cartilage supplements. Just as shark cartilage helps regulate the formation of capillaries in the skin, it helps control the formation of new blood vessels in the body. Because cancerous tissue needs blood vessels to thrive, eliminating the growth of new vessels combats cancer growth. If you take conventional cancer treatments, ask your physician about adding a shark cartilage supplement to your treatment regimen.
Rheumatoid Arthritis Relief
Arthritis relief is also well known among shark cartilage benefits. The naturally occurring mucopolysaccharides in shark cartilage have an anti-inflammatory effect that helps reduce joint inflammation, and proteins in the cartilage help reduce the vascularization of joint cartilage (a.k.a. angiogenesis), further reducing pain and inflammation. If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, regularly taking a high-quality shark cartilage supplement can reduce your symptoms.
Get Healthy Today
The benefits above are just some of the shark cartilage benefits people receive when they take a high-quality shark cartilage supplement. Although the medical community continues to question the efficacy of shark cartilage, alternative medicine practitioners have seen patients experience phenomenal results from taking high-grade shark cartilage supplements. For more information about the benefits of shark cartilage supplements, call us today at (877) 676-1615.